Why The TomK Consulting Group?

Our Top 10:

10. We have been focused on servicing Vacation Rental Clients for more than 11 years.

9. We develop exceptional solutions that work in your industry because we understand your business and your challenges.

8. We foster a “partnership” relationship with our Clients, to provide very personal, very high quality service.

7. We have exceptional staff; highly skilled, motivated, intelligent, and dedicated… focused on the VR industry.

6. We work with many VR Clients across the country, so when we discover and resolve an issue at one we can proactively resolve the same issue at the others, before it even arises.

5. We can remotely access your Systems, Servers, and PCs from anywhere, anytime!

4. We have built very strong technical relationships with the major Property Management software developers and VR support companies. In most cases we have direct access to their most senior tech resources, as they do to ours. (see our Partners)

3. We combine Business Consulting with IT Consulting to insure that IT solutions and investments actually support long-term business goals.

2. Our Clients love us! (see their comments)

And the #1 Reason for - Why The TomK Consulting Group?

We make IT work FOR your Business!